We really hope you will be happy with your purchase, however, we realise that occasionally this isn’t always the case. If there is an issue with a product on your delivery then please contact us through the website.
All damages and discrepancies must be reported within 48hrs of receiving the goods and we would appreciate if you could photograph any damage or quality issues with a digital camera and email relevant photographs. This will help us see the issue and allow us to offer advice if needed and identify any product issues. Please also ensure that you keep any original packaging. This will be required in the case of a collection being being arranged.
If you would like to return your item/s because you are not happy with them you must do so within 48hrs of delivery and postage costs will be non-refundable. You will be responsible for paying for your own postage costs for returning your item, except for where items were originally delivered damaged or defective.
To apply for a refund please contact us.